Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Kappa Beta Gamma celebrates our members’ differences, supports them, and recognizes diversity as fundamental to our membership, our Chapters, and our Sorority. We are committed to the principles of diversity, inclusion, and belonging, and provide our membership with a safe, supportive, and welcoming environment free of discrimination and harassment.
Kappa Beta Gamma expressly prohibits discrimination, harassment, and/or racism of any kind.

KBG has a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee made up of members from our National Headquarters, active membership and alumnae who meet regularly. The mission statement of our DEI Committee is "The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee is dedicated to upholding the diversity, equality and inclusion of Kappa Beta Gamma’s membership. As such, the committee shall advise and collaborate with the national leadership team, active chapters and the alumnae society to provide opportunities for the celebration, exploration and education of diversity within our sisterhood. The committee shall also periodically review the documents, practices and traditions at all levels to ensure that Kappa Beta Gamma Sorority is a fair and open organization.