Founding Mothers
In 1916, twelve women of Marquette University began a great undertaking, the foundation of the first Sorority on Marquette's campus. These twelve worked enthusiastically toward their goal and on January 22, 1917, Kappa Beta Gamma was founded at Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI. Their purpose was to unite the members in the bond of sisterhood; to develop friendships among the members during their college days, to improve the members morally, socially, and intellectually, and to foster the support of College/University, Alma mater and of God and country.
The twelve founders were:
Mary Kitzke, Eva Johnson, Patricia Hagerty, Mary White, Myrtle Maas, Lorraine Kress, Vivienne Leichtman, Felicia Knafzynska, Jeannie Lee as the Founding Recorder, Mary Weimar as the Founding Treasurer, Myra Thewalt as the Founding Mistress, and Teresa Jermain as the Founding Grand Mistress.
Kappa Beta Gamma’s founding Chapter continued to grow for thirty years as a local sorority. But in the hearts of many, there was a great desire to expand to other universities.
Going National
On May 14, 1947, the dream of many years became a reality when the Alpha Chapter was installed at Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri.
With two Chapters, Kappa Beta Gamma officially became a National Sorority.
Built on a solid foundation of the Sorority motto, “Character, Culture, Courage,” Kappa Beta Gamma promotes a spirit of friendship among our members, encourages high scholarship, and serves to uphold the interest of the University.
Beta Chapter
The Chapter at Marquette University became known as the Beta Chapter.
National Headquarters were set up at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and the first National Officers were chosen from the Beta Chapter. In the years that followed, Kappa Beta Gamma expanded, first, to other Catholic universities, and then to both public and private schools.
international sisters
On April 2, 2011, Kappa Beta Gamma became an International Sorority when the Upsilon Chapter was established at the University of Victoria in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. While we are one sisterhood, KBG split into two separate entities on July 1, 2021, allowing each nation to be governed by separate leadership teams to best serve the unique needs of each nation’s membership.

Kappa Beta Gamma holds an annual assembly of membership, known as Konvention, during the first weekend of August.
In 2017, our Centennial Celebration was held at Walt Disney World and brought together active and alum members from all across North America.
Kappa Beta Gamma continues to honor our history three times a year
January 22nd
May 14th
April 2nd